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Multiply the force of your workforce

Stay ahead of e‑commerce demands with Zebra’s MC9300

Customers are the backbone of your business and their demands are only getting greater. They want their items fast and expect 100% order accuracy. Zebra’s AndroidTM based MC9300 ensures you deliver all that by sidestepping these common warehouse hurdles:

  • Outdated Operating Systems Slowing Workers Down
  • Decreased Worker Productivity
  • Inefficient Data Capture

Here’s how the MC9300 is helping warehouses overcome these challenges and keep up with demand:

Turn green screens into friendly screens:

Enjoy preloaded Terminal Emulation—ready for use out of the box.

Add 48 more minutes to each day:

Amass 10% more productivity per worker, per shift.

Boost scan abilities whether near or far:

Capture data from 3 inches to 70 feet away.

Deliver the familiarity of Android OS:

Leverage the ultimate platform and support.

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There’s a reason why 3 million MC9000 Series mobile computers were so popular.
The MC9300 builds on that legacy greatness.

Expand workers’ capabilities with the MC9300.